On 01.10.2008 in the village of Iskar town was first placed on the desktop powerful Challenger MT845B, 420 hp engine Happy owner George Borisov is one of the largest leaseholders/coins to 17,000 acres. / In Pleven region.
Mr. Maslarov, CEO of Varex Group said that the tractor that was purchased several months ago launched a measure to modernize the farm and is equipped with the new SL cultivator of Simba, which has a completely new design with proven innovative components.
The event was attended by both colleagues of Mr. Borisov, who came with him to start the operation of this modern technology and to convince the advantages of Challenger tractors and cultivators Simba, and team Varex Ltd., together with representatives from the companies themselves manufacturers Challenger and Simba International Ltd.
Caused great interest among farmers subsoiler Simba Flatliner, which showed a maximum displacement of the toughest parts of the soil to a depth of 75 cm, which was measured in front of view a demo tape.
Throughout tractor Challenger, which in all its modifications is the only tractor in Bulgaria with an engine and transmission from one brand – CAT is presented brilliantly. At the end of each presentation had the opportunity to present the tractor and forth to convince its capabilities.